Dacw gariad fel yr afon

(Dyogelwch a dymuniad y Cristion)
Dacw gariad fel yr afon,
  Dacw heddwch fel y llif,
Wedi'm mrodyr gael ei feddu,
  Frodyr anwyl fwy na rhif;
    Gyda hwy, caiff fod mwy,
  F'enaid heb na briw na chlwy.

Mi gaf fod o flaen yr orsedd,
  Mi gaf ganu'r anthem bur,
Pan ddarfyddo son am ddaear,
  Son am foroedd, son am dir;
    Dwyfol loes, angeu'r groes,
  Fydd y canu ddydd a nos.

Minau bellach orfoleddaf,
  Mae fy mywyd gwerthfawr iawn,
Wedi ei roddi y'nghudd i gadw,
  Mewn Cyfryngwr perffaith llawn;
    Abl yw, mae fe'n Dduw,
  Ceidw f'enaid bach yn fyw.

Rho i mi yfed 'rwy'n sychedig,
  Ddwr y ffynnon loyw lawn,
Darddodd allan o dy ystlys, 
  Ar Galfaria un prydnawn;
    Gwaed fy Nuw, unig yw,
  Ylch fy meiau dua'i rhyw.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 878767]

Arglwydd anfon dy leferydd
Dacw'r ffynnon wedi'i hagor
Mae grasusau pen Calfaria

(The safety and wish of the Christian)
Here is love like the river,
  Here is peace like the flood,
After my brothers got possession of it,
  Beloved brothers more than number;
    With them, get more may
  My soul without either bruise or wound.

I will get to be before the throne,
  I will get to sing the pure anthem,
When mention about earth vanishes,
  Mention about seas, mention about land;
    Divine anguish, the death of the cross,
  Shall be the song day and night.

I, henceforth, shall rejoice,
  My life is very valuable,
Having put it in hiding to keep,
  In the perfect, full Mediator;
    Able is he, he is God,
  He will keep my little soul alive.

Give me drink, I am thirsty,
  The water of the full, clear spring,
Which issued out of thy side,
  On Calvary one afternoon;
    My God's blood, alone it is,
  Shall wash my faults of the blackest kind.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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